Areas of Practice

Care & Protection Law

We are experienced in family law and understand that the Court process can be confusing, emotional and stressful. We can help reduce the stress and simplify and streamline the process.

We can assist you each step of the way and are available to guide you through the Court process if need be and assist in achieving the best possible result.

Family Law

Harrods and Associates have over 20 years of experience in the area of care and protection law in the Children’s Courts in NSW.

Sarah Harrod, Principal of Harrod & Associates acts for children as an Independent Legal Representative (U12 years), Direct Legal Representative (over 12 years), parents, carers and relatives.

Our experience enables us to assist parties in identifying the issues early and work out a plan to address the issues to work towards the restoration of children to their parent’s care if possible.

We also assist with giving Guardians, Carers and relatives advice about their rights, how they can be involved with a child and what to expect from the Department of Communities and Justice aka DCJ (formerly DoC’s).

We provide a Legal Review Service for Guardians, Carers and relatives of children and young persons.

For more information about this service and the law about care and protection that governs the Children’s Court in NSW, please press the link, more Information or book an online appointment on the calendar.

Estate Law

It can be a difficult time when someone dies and the process of dealing with a persons items and assets once they pass can be complicated, slow and confusing.

Our experience in probate and estate law will ensure that the process is efficient and expedient.